All surgery is performed on an outpatient basis at the Ambulatory Surgery Center. The operations are done under general anesthesia with LMA placement or under twilight sedation using propofol administered by a board certified anesthesiologist, and there is no need for general inhalational anesthesia with intubation.

The length of the procedure depends on what’s being addressed and there is great variability amongst all of the various operations Dr. Faramarz Shabdiz performs. A rhinoplasty surgery can take anywhere from one hour to three hours to complete while an upper eyelid surgery might take one hour. 



Dr. Shabdiz individualizes every patient’s care. He invests the time to fully understand patient expectations, learn complete history, evaluate the relevant anatomy, order any diagnostic tests,and take digital images.

Dr. Shabdiz will discuss your surgical plan in detail to ensure all of your questions are answered. The office will provide a list of required lab work or medical evaluations, prescriptions for any needed medications, a list of supplements and medications to avoid, and detailed pre and post operative instructions to be reviewed. 


Two weeks before the scheduled surgery date, it is important to avoid taking certain medications, vitamins and herbs that may cause you to bleed more than normal. It is also best to avoid alcohol and very salty foods for three days before surgery to prevent your skin from retaining fluid and swelling.

Our office will provide a comprehensive list of what to avoid. The morning of the surgery, do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours, except any necessary medicines with a small sip of water.


The day of the surgery, in the pre-operation room you speak with Dr. Shabdiz and your anesthesiologist before you go into the operating suite.

After surgery, you will regain consciousness in the recovery room where you will eventually be discharged once you are fully alert. You will leave in the care of a family member, friend or caretaker.



The specifics of your aftercare depends on what type of operation was performed, however there are some common rules that pertain to all facial surgeries.

You will be encouraged to keep your head elevated for several days and to use cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising. You will be able to watch television, use your computer, take walks and prepare meals for yourself, but you should generally take it easy. You should keep your surgical site dry until instructed by Dr. Shabdiz, but you may wash your body as early as 24 hours following surgery.

Most patients experience more discomfort than pain. Use pain medication as directed or needed, and take with food to help minimize nausea.



Sutures are usually dissolvable and it takes 3-5 weeks to dissolve. Swelling and bruising are expected but vary from person to person so it might take several more days before you feel ready to socialize.

Different procedures heal at different rates, and every patient heals differently. Typically face lifts and such take between four and six months to optimize while eyelids and brows take less time. Due to their unique anatomy, noses might look very good a couple of weeks after surgery but often take up to 12 months before reaching a stable point.

If you notice that a particular behavior or activity is causing swelling, do your best to avoid that activity until you have fully healed.


To prevent bleeding and increased swelling, avoid extreme physical activity, including athletic activities and intercourse. After 24 hours, you are encouraged to go for light walks and strolls. Light cardio, such as an elliptical machine or spin bike on a low resistance can begin on post-operative day fourteen.

Do not engage in any heavy cardiovascular activity (running), any activity that involves straining (weight lifting) or anything that involves bending over (yoga, pilates) for at least three weeks, unless otherwise instructed. Dr. Shabdiz will follow up with you throughout the post-operative course.

If you have any questions or need any additional support, call the office at 714-543-2000.