For many people, feeling confident and proud of their facial appearance is a priority. Regardless of age or gender, a person’s facial appearance can contribute significantly to their self-esteem. Our eyes, in addition to their obvious physiological function, when bright and rested-looking, can make a great first impression or simply help to improve how someone feels about themself when they look in the mirror. While ocular care is strictly medical, and unrelated to facial aesthetic, the eyes do much more than see; they are seen, and while droopy eyelids, or fatty bags under the eyes do not usually impact their functionality, such aesthetic imperfections can greatly affect the overall appearance. Fortunately, there are many elective cosmetic procedures to choose from , that are designed to impact and improve the skin surrounding the eyes. Dr. Shabdiz offers Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to his patients in Orange County, CA.

Blepharoplasty is heralded as one of the most popular elective eyelid enhancement surgeries available, having been successfully performed on hundreds of thousands of people throughout North America. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ranks Blepharoplasty among the top five elective cosmetic procedures performed on both men and women.


Commonly referred to as an “eyelid surgery”, blepharoplasty can be used to correct almost any aesthetic flaw associated with the area surrounding the eyes. Blepharoplasty can be used to remove eye bags by relocating fat pads beneath the eyes, by lifting drooping eyelids above the eyes or by tightening and lifting skin surrounding the eyes, all of which create a healthier, more youthful, refreshed appearance. Heavy eye bags, drooping eyelids, and other issues that lead people to consider eyelid surgery, are not necessarily exclusive to an aging population. While commonly performed on patients over forty, it is not entirely uncommon to be performed on a younger individual.


While Blepharoplasty is a common and gentle surgical procedure, it is always necessary that you share your full medical history with your doctor prior to surgery. Be sure to share all medications and supplements you are currently taking as well, because some can interfere with the healing process. Results do vary based on a few variables such as age, overall health of the patient and in general, each individual responds to surgical procedures uniquely.


An upper blepharoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia and the surgery itself typically takes about one hour each side. If the surgery is performed using general anesthesia the patient will require a 1 hour recovery period. We do require all patients to leave accompanied by a family member or a friend to ensure their safety, regardless of whether the surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Depending on the patient and extent of the surgery, Dr. Shabdiz may use traditional or dissolvable stitches/sutures. Traditional stitches are used for the majority of the cases of Blepharoplasty, and they will require removal by Dr. Shabdiz approximately one week after the surgery is performed.


During upper lid surgery, a minute, inconspicuous incision is made in the eyelid crease through which excess fat and skin folds may be eliminated. Eyelid muscles may also be tightened, combatting droopiness. This is also the method that is used on Dr. Shabdiz’s patients when performing eyelid surgery to address vision loss related to sagging eyelids that droop over the lashes. In addition to vision correction, upper eyelid surgery patients can enjoy a more alert, rejuvenated appearance that does wonders for self-confidence.


Any time you have a surgical procedure that involves incisions, there is potential for scarring. To help reduce the risk of visible scars, our plastic surgeon performs the surgery with extreme care. Upper eyelid incisions are placed in the natural crease of the eyelid, so the incision is hidden and virtually invisible once healed. 


Our patients can expect a speedy and pleasant recovery, thanks to Dr. Shabdiz’s precise, superior surgical methods. Minor bruising and swelling may persist for up to two weeks, but these are generally short-lived. Dr. Shabdiz may prescribe ointments or drops to assist with the healing process, and a cold compress may periodically be placed across the eye area, and sleeping with your head elevated for the first few days following the surgery helps to reduce the swelling. Patients should avoid wearing contact lenses for up to two weeks, and eye makeup can be resumed within the same time frame. Sutures may be removed within one week after surgery, and clients can expect a return to exercise and normal activity within around 14 days. As always, Dr. Shabdiz and his caring, expertly trained staff will be on hand throughout the recovery process to address any concerns you may have and to assist you should you encounter any discomfort. You can trust Dr. Shabdiz and his staff offer among the best care during & post eyelid surgery has to offer.

Contact us today to schedule your Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) consultation in Orange County.